Another plaque: Si genus antiquus, veteresque per atria cerae, Si propriae virtutis adorea, clavus equestris Si soboles numerosa, et quinquaginta per annos Inter utramque facem cuncta carvisse querela Canities si sera, et mors, matura, beatus Denique si census, censque beatior omni Larga Manus, sincera fides, reverential coeli foelicem aut vitam, aut mortem fecere beatam. Nunc cum fata iubent vixisse,animasque reposcunt Sidera, composuit cineres, iussitque sub isto Haeredis pietas requiescere mausoleo.
Translation: If the older generation, our ancestors, through the gates of heaven, if mercy for the love of virtue be a spur, if many offspring and fifty years shared together, with a deeply carved bond of hair greying argument if it will be, and death in old age a final blessing, if by assessment and with the assessment of all the sainted, generous charity, sincere faith, reverence of heaven given throughout life, throughout death are made blessed, our (two) in life and death are made blessed. Now when the fates command the living, and souls lying (under) the stars, made of ashes, commanded by the above their heir with piety (gives them for) rest a tomb. (Photo Sept 2014).
Uploaded by Andrew H Jackson on 16 August 2018
Photo ID: 215414
Building ID: 101177714
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