IIOld School Some 300m N of Grosmont Town Hall, immediately next to road junction to Llanvihangel Crucorney.
IIOld School Facing roughly E on corner with Y Berllan.
IIOld School To S of St Beuno's Church against churchyard
IIOld School Situated close to the south side of St Mary's church and adjacent to churchyard boundary.
IIOld School Prominently-sited at the N end of the village opposite Llanfair Bridge; low rubble walled forecourt, with simple spear-headed railings to the side.
IIOld School Set back from the SW side of the A4080, directly opposite the junction with the B4422 to Bethel; lies c. 100m W of the church of St. Cadwaladr.
IIOld School House at Barham Memorial School Situated on sloping site on the N side of the valley, approximately 0.5km E of the village of Trecwn. School and playground to E.