Tags are auto-generated from Wikidata entries. Tags reflect the subjective opinion of Wikidata editors, not the listing authorities or British Listed Buildings. Not all listed buildings have a Wikidata entry, and not all Wikidata entries have data that can be used to generate tags.
Table tomb
(67 tagged buildings)
Burial place built above ground to the approximate height and size of a table
Table tomb
(85 tagged buildings)
Table-shaped tomb built above the grave and supported by a series of pillars
Take off stone
(3 tagged buildings)
A stone by a highway used to indicate where a coachman should remove a horse previously added to pull the coach up a hill
Takeaway restaurant
(2 tagged buildings)
Single establishment which only provides foods to be consumed offsite
Tank memorial
(1 tagged buildings)
Type of memorial
(4 tagged buildings)
Workshop where animal skins are tanned
(1 tagged buildings)
Place of business where people gather to drink alcoholic beverages and be served food
Tea house
(14 tagged buildings)
Cafe-type business serving tea
Tea shop
(1 tagged buildings)
Shop which sells only tea
Teacher training college
(2 tagged buildings)
Institution educating schoolteachers
Teaching hospital
(1 tagged buildings)
Hospital that provides clinical education and training
(3 tagged buildings)
Establishment that serves tea
Telegraph station
(1 tagged buildings)
Building where telegrams may be sent and received
Telephone booth
(175 tagged buildings)
Small structure furnished with a payphone
Telephone exchange
(11 tagged buildings)
Telecommunications system used in public switched telephone networks or in large enterprises
Television studio
(2 tagged buildings)
Installation in which video productions take place
(13 tagged buildings)
Structure reserved for religious or spiritual activities
(1,978 tagged buildings)
Type of building
Tennis court
(3 tagged buildings)
Venue where the sport of tennis is played.
(1 tagged buildings)
In classical architecture, a pedestal which tapers towards the base and usually supports a bust or merges into a sculpted human or animal figure
Railway terminus
(6 tagged buildings)
Railway station at the end of a line or service
(3 tagged buildings)
Last stop in a transportation service
(13 tagged buildings)
External, raised, open, flat area in architecture
Terrace garden
(42 tagged buildings)
Garden with a raised flat section overlooking a prospect
Terrace house
(4,174 tagged buildings)
Form of medium-density housing
Terrace of houses
(503 tagged buildings)
Row of identical or mirror-image houses, mostly share side walls
Terrestrial globe
(1 tagged buildings)
Spherical model of the Earth, highlighting geographical locations on the map
Test facility
(1 tagged buildings)
Facility where tests are conducted
Textile factory
(13 tagged buildings)
Factory making textiles
Thatched barn
(807 tagged buildings)
Barn with thatch roof
Thatched building
(1,093 tagged buildings)
Building with a thatched roof
Thatched cottage
(15,616 tagged buildings)
Cottage with thatch roof
Thatched farmhouse
(2,394 tagged buildings)
Farmhouse with thatch roof
Thatched pub
(448 tagged buildings)
Public house with thatch roof
Thatched wall
(11 tagged buildings)
Wall with a protective topping of thatch
(3 tagged buildings)
Type of roof
(464 tagged buildings)
Performing arts venue or building
(2 tagged buildings)
Collaborative form of performing and fine art
Theatre company
(5 tagged buildings)
Organisation that produces theatrical performances
Theatre museum
(1 tagged buildings)
Theatrical troupe
(1 tagged buildings)
Group of actors
Think tank
(1 tagged buildings)
Organisation that performs research and advocacy
Threshing barn
(38 tagged buildings)
Barn used for threshing (including a threshing floor)
Through arch bridge
(6 tagged buildings)
Type of bridge
Through station
(2 tagged buildings)
Railway station where trains can enter and exit from multiple ends
Ticket office
(2 tagged buildings)
Place where tickets are sold to the public for transport
Tide mill
(6 tagged buildings)
Type of mill
Tied-arch bridge
(4 tagged buildings)
Type of bridge
Timber framing
(2 tagged buildings)
Building technique, construction method using heavy squared-off and carefully fitted and joined timbers
Timber-framed building
(12 tagged buildings)
Building constructed using the timber framing method
Timber-framed church
(2 tagged buildings)
Church building constructed using the timber framing method
Timber-framed house
(49 tagged buildings)
Residential building constructed using the timber framing method
Tin tabernacle
(1 tagged buildings)
Prefabricated Church buildings made from corrugated, galvanised iron
Tithe barn
(134 tagged buildings)
Barn used for paying and storing tithe (tax)
(4 tagged buildings)
Room where human sanitation takes place, a "toilet", "lavatory" or "washroom"
(32 tagged buildings)
The main municipal building of a Scottish burgh, from medieval times until the 19th century.
Toll bridge
(7 tagged buildings)
Bridge for which road usage tolls are charged
(25 tagged buildings)
Booth at a tollgate where a toll collector collects tolls
(1 tagged buildings)
Gate or bar across a toll bridge or toll road which is lifted when the toll is paid
(204 tagged buildings)
Building with accommodation for a toll collector, beside a tollgate on a toll road, canal, or toll bridge
(1,724 tagged buildings)
Burial place
(2,583 tagged buildings)
Stele or marker, usually stone, that is placed over a grave
Tourism office
(6 tagged buildings)
Physical location that provides tourist information on the place or attraction where it is located
Tourist attraction
(44 tagged buildings)
Place of interest where tourists visit
(524 tagged buildings)
Structure with height greater than width
Tower house
(229 tagged buildings)
Type of stone structure, built for defensive and habitation purposes
Tower houses in Britain and Ireland
(2 tagged buildings)
Group of castles in Britain and Ireland
Tower mill
(68 tagged buildings)
Type of vertical windmill
Tower station
(1 tagged buildings)
Railway station with superimposed levels and connections between intersecting lines
(146 tagged buildings)
Individual freestanding urban dwelling
Townhouse (Great Britain)
(10 tagged buildings)
Town or city residence of a member of the British nobility or gentry
(2 tagged buildings)
Recognizable sign, design or expression which identifies products or services
Traffic sign
(5 tagged buildings)
Plate with instructions (warning, prohibitory, mandatory, ...) used to control traffic on the road
Train shed
(1 tagged buildings)
Roof covering the tracks and platforms of a train station
Tram bridge
(30 tagged buildings)
Bridge carrying tram line
Tram depot
(3 tagged buildings)
Storage and maintenance facility for trams
Tram stop
(1 tagged buildings)
Place designated for a tram to stop so passengers can board or leave
Tramway tunnel
(1 tagged buildings)
(2 tagged buildings)
Electrical device that transfers energy through electromagnetic induction from one circuit to another circuit
Transformer column
(3 tagged buildings)
(1 tagged buildings)
Radio signal emitting machine
Transmitter mast
(2 tagged buildings)
Tall structure designed to support antennas
Transmitter station
(3 tagged buildings)
Installation used for transmitting radio signals
Transport hub
(1 tagged buildings)
Place where passengers and cargo are exchanged between vehicles
Transport museum
(3 tagged buildings)
Museum that holds collections of transport items
Transporter bridge
(3 tagged buildings)
Movable bridge that carries a segment of roadway across an obstacle
Trappist monastery
(3 tagged buildings)
(1 tagged buildings)
Horizontal or weakly inclined part of a stairway
(1 tagged buildings)
Architectural structure, usually made from an open framework or lattice of interwoven or intersecting pieces of wood, bamboo or metal that is normally made to support and display climbing plants, especially shrubs
(1 tagged buildings)
Person or institution with the authority to judge, adjudicate or determine claims or disputes
Triumphal arch
(15 tagged buildings)
Monumental structure in the shape of an archway
Trolleybus depot
(1 tagged buildings)
Storage and maintenance facility for trolleybus
(2 tagged buildings)
(2 tagged buildings)
(2 tagged buildings)
Large set of scales
Truss arch bridge
(1 tagged buildings)
Combines the elements of the truss bridge and the arch bridge
Truss bridge
(13 tagged buildings)
Bridge whose load-bearing superstructure is composed of a truss
Tubular bridge
(1 tagged buildings)
Tudor architecture
(40 tagged buildings)
Architectural style
Tudor Revival architecture
(20 tagged buildings)
Architectural style
(3 tagged buildings)
Mound of earth and stones raised over graves
(31 tagged buildings)
Underground passage
Tunnel entrance
(4 tagged buildings)
Tunnel portal
(72 tagged buildings)
Turbine hall
(1 tagged buildings)
Building within which electricity-generating turbines are located
Turkish architecture
(1 tagged buildings)
Wikimedia disambiguation page
Tuscan order
(1 tagged buildings)
Architectural ordr
TV tower
(2 tagged buildings)
Television transmission tower
Two-tier bridge
(1 tagged buildings)
Bridge having two distinct layers of structure
(1 tagged buildings)
Architectural element; the vertical, triangular space enclosed by the horizontal and raking cornices of a pediment
Tyne and Wear Metro station
(1 tagged buildings)
Station of the Tyne and Wear Metro system
Type 22 pillbox
(7 tagged buildings)
Type of British pillbox
Type 24 pillbox
(4 tagged buildings)
Type of British pillbox
Type 28 pillbox
(2 tagged buildings)
Type of British pillbox