Tags are auto-generated from Wikidata entries. Tags reflect the subjective opinion of Wikidata editors, not the listing authorities or British Listed Buildings. Not all listed buildings have a Wikidata entry, and not all Wikidata entries have data that can be used to generate tags.
L-plan castle
(4 tagged buildings)
Castle or towerhouse in the shape of an L
(3 tagged buildings)
Facility that provides controlled conditions in which scientific or technological research, experiments, and measurement may be performed
(1 tagged buildings)
Water channel connecting a stream or river to a waterwheel
(2 tagged buildings)
Furniture or fixture used as a source of light
Land development
(1 tagged buildings)
Altering of landscape, conversion of landforms
Land registry office
(1 tagged buildings)
Building where notarized deeds and real estate transactions are kept
(1 tagged buildings)
Terminal for water transport
(1 tagged buildings)
Visible features of an area of land
Landscape park
(4 tagged buildings)
Parkland normally associated with an estate
(1 tagged buildings)
Fixed or portable enclosed lighting device
Latin cross
(1 tagged buildings)
Symbol of Christianity
Lattice truss bridge
(3 tagged buildings)
Type of truss bridge that uses many closely spaced diagonal elements
(2 tagged buildings)
Staffed facility where clothes are washed and dried
Laundry room
(4 tagged buildings)
(public) equipment to wash laundry
(1 tagged buildings)
Public place set aside for the washing of clothes
Law library
(4 tagged buildings)
Library devoted to law
Law school
(1 tagged buildings)
Institution specializing in legal education
Lead mine
(1 tagged buildings)
Mine which mines leaded minerals
Learning resource centre
(1 tagged buildings)
Type of library
(1 tagged buildings)
Artificial watercourse or aqueduct dug into the ground
Lecture hall
(5 tagged buildings)
Large room used for instruction, typically at a college or university
Legislative house
(1 tagged buildings)
Deliberative assembly acting as part of a legislature
Leisure centre
(4 tagged buildings)
Building or site, containing different facilities for leisure activities
Lending library
(1 tagged buildings)
Institution that provides books on loan for a specified period of time
Lesbian bar
(1 tagged buildings)
Bar for women who identify as lesbian
(1 tagged buildings)
Ridge or wall to hold back water
Level terrain fort
(1 tagged buildings)
Type of hill fort where the entire circuit or circuits of the enclosing works is on fairly level terrain
LGBT historic place
(1 tagged buildings)
LGBT places or monuments known for LGBT events and history
(75 tagged buildings)
Institution charged with the care of a collection of literary, musical, artistic, or reference materials, such as books, manuscripts, recordings, or films
Library branch
(4 tagged buildings)
Branch of a library organisation, e.g. in a city, town of village
Library building
(499 tagged buildings)
Building housing a library
(12 tagged buildings)
Public swimming spot
(1 tagged buildings)
Boat rescue craft designed to attend a vessel in distress
Lifeboat station
(24 tagged buildings)
Station from which rescue boats are launched
Lifeguard station
(1 tagged buildings)
Place for lifeguards
(238 tagged buildings)
Structure designed to emit light to aid navigation
Lighthouse keeper's house
(35 tagged buildings)
House associated with a lighthouse, provided for its keeper
Lime kiln
(540 tagged buildings)
Kiln used for the calcination of limestone (calcium carbonate) to produce the form of lime called quicklime (calcium oxide)
Lime works
(2 tagged buildings)
Factory manufacturing lime
(17 tagged buildings)
Structure, type of farm or extension to it to shelter livestock and feed for it; now almost not used
Liquor factory
(1 tagged buildings)
Listed building in the United Kingdom
(138 tagged buildings)
Collection of protected architectural creations in the United Kingdom
Literary society
(1 tagged buildings)
Group of people interested in literature
Liverpool "Special" Pillar Box
(1 tagged buildings)
Type of pillar box
Livestock housing
(1 tagged buildings)
Building where domesticated animals are housed
Living museum
(1 tagged buildings)
Type of museum, in which historical events showing the life in past time periods are performed
Local authority museum
(144 tagged buildings)
Museum operated by a local government body
Local business
(2 tagged buildings)
Particular physical business or branch of an organisation
Local museum
(78 tagged buildings)
Museum that covers local history
(1 tagged buildings)
Place of human settlement
(631 tagged buildings)
Fall structure with a fixed chamber in which the water level changes
(1 tagged buildings)
Mechanical or electronic fastening device
Lock keeper's house
(17 tagged buildings)
Lock keepers house
(1 tagged buildings)
(502 tagged buildings)
Small house associated with a larger property or estate, often inhabited by estate staff
(1 tagged buildings)
Lodging for tourists in a natural environment
(6 tagged buildings)
Industry and type of residential accommodation
(5 tagged buildings)
Covered exterior gallery
Lombard architecture
(3 tagged buildings)
London deep-level shelters
(1 tagged buildings)
Air-raid shelters under London Underground stations
London Underground station
(68 tagged buildings)
Station of the London Underground system
(2 tagged buildings)
Type of house
Loose box
(1 tagged buildings)
Stall or compartment in a stable or railway truck large enough for a large animal to move around unrestrained
Louis XVI style
(1 tagged buildings)
Neoclassical style within architecture and design
Low-rise building
(3 tagged buildings)
Building that is only a few stories tall
(740 tagged buildings)
Gateway covered with a roof in an English-style churchyard