Tags are auto-generated from Wikidata entries. Tags reflect the subjective opinion of Wikidata editors, not the listing authorities or British Listed Buildings. Not all listed buildings have a Wikidata entry, and not all Wikidata entries have data that can be used to generate tags.
Magazine (artillery)
(6 tagged buildings)
Place of storage for ammunition or other explosive material
Magistrates' court
(4 tagged buildings)
England and Wales,a lower court which holds trials for summary offences and preliminary hearings for more serious ones
Main library
(2 tagged buildings)
Most important public library in a municipality and/or library system that has several libraries or library campuses
Malt house
(161 tagged buildings)
Building where cereal grain is converted into malt
Manchester Metrolink tram stop
(1 tagged buildings)
(98 tagged buildings)
Structure used to hold food to feed animals
(1 tagged buildings)
Style of European art
Manor estate
(5 tagged buildings)
Estate in land to which is incident the right to hold a manorial court
Manor house
(1,566 tagged buildings)
Large historic country house, main building of manor estate
Manor house
(1 tagged buildings)
Type of residential home
Manorial court
(1 tagged buildings)
Lowest court of law in England and Germanic countries during the feudal period
(846 tagged buildings)
Clergy house
(286 tagged buildings)
Large dwelling house
(1 tagged buildings)
Manufacturing facility where products are hand-made
Maritime college
(1 tagged buildings)
Maritime museum
(10 tagged buildings)
Museum specializing in the display of objects relating to ships and travel on large bodies of water
Mark IV
(1 tagged buildings)
British tank of World War I
Marker stone
(1 tagged buildings)
A stone indicating a boundary
(57 tagged buildings)
Location where people regularly gather for the purchase and sale of provisions, livestock, and other goods
Market cross
(223 tagged buildings)
Structure marking a market square
Market hall
(89 tagged buildings)
Covered space traditionally used as a marketplace
Market square
(2 tagged buildings)
An open area where market stalls are traditionally set out for trading
(3 tagged buildings)
Space in which a market operates
Martello tower
(18 tagged buildings)
Small defensive fort
(1 tagged buildings)
Type of rural construction in the Catalan-speaking region
Masonic lodge
(2 tagged buildings)
Basic organisational unit of Freemasonry
Masonic temple
(130 tagged buildings)
Room or structure where a Masonic Lodge meets
Masonry oven
(1 tagged buildings)
Oven consisting of a baking chamber made of fireproof brick, concrete, stone, clay, or cob
Mass grave
(1 tagged buildings)
Grave containing multiple number of human corpses, usually buried anonymously
(1 tagged buildings)
Pole of wood, metal or lightweight materials used in the rigging of a sailing vessel to carry or support its sail
(186 tagged buildings)
Monument enclosing the interment space or burial chamber of a deceased person or people
Mechanics' institute
(13 tagged buildings)
Educational establishment
(1 tagged buildings)
Oval decoration used in architecture
Media studio facility
(1 tagged buildings)
Facility or building for making media like film, TV, music, or audio
Medical facility
(2 tagged buildings)
Any location at which medicine is practiced regularly
Medical library
(1 tagged buildings)
Library that focuses on medical or health information
Medical museum
(1 tagged buildings)
Institutions that store and exhibit objects of historical, scientific, artistic, or cultural interest that have a link to medicine or health
Medical organisation
(6 tagged buildings)
Organisation which supports the field of medicine
Medical school
(2 tagged buildings)
Tertiary educational institution, or part of such an institution, that teaches medicine and awards a professional degree for physicians and surgeons
Medieval architecture
(48 tagged buildings)
Architectural style related to the middle ages
Meeting house
(5 tagged buildings)
Building where religious and sometimes public meetings take place
(2,287 tagged buildings)
Area or object which serves as a focus for memory of something
Memorial arch
(2 tagged buildings)
Memorial bench
(1 tagged buildings)
Memorial column
(18 tagged buildings)
Freestanding column; erected as a memorial
Memorial cross
(123 tagged buildings)
Cross erected to commemorate a person or event, sometimes as a grave marker
Memorial garden
(1 tagged buildings)
Garden planted in memory of people who have died
Memorial hall
(1 tagged buildings)
Hall built to commemorate an individual or group
Memorial park
(1 tagged buildings)
Area dedicated to the memorial of a person or event etc
Memorial stone
(12 tagged buildings)
Memorial monument in the form of a stone
(1 tagged buildings)
Form of keeping common and exotic animals in captivity that preceded the modern zoological garden
(14 tagged buildings)
Large upright standing stone
Mercat cross
(2 tagged buildings)
Scots name for a market cross
Merchant's house
(11 tagged buildings)
House of relatively higher status in a town or port
(4 tagged buildings)
Social and dining area provided for military personnel
Metal sculpture
(1 tagged buildings)
Sculpture made of metal
Methodist church building
(1 tagged buildings)
Place of worship associated with the Methodist Church
Metro station
(1 tagged buildings)
A railway station of a rapid transit system
(169 tagged buildings)
Type of housing or stable
(1 tagged buildings)
Very small, one room public house
Middle light
(1 tagged buildings)
The middle of three leading lights
Middle Pointed
(1 tagged buildings)
Style of architecture
(5,061 tagged buildings)
Numbered marker along a road or boundary
Military academy
(1 tagged buildings)
Higher education institution operated by or for the military
Military base
(7 tagged buildings)
Facility directly owned and operated by or for the military
Military building
(6 tagged buildings)
Military camp
(2 tagged buildings)
Semi-permanent facility for the lodging of an army
Military museum
(31 tagged buildings)
Museum of military and war
Military prison
(1 tagged buildings)
Prison operated by the military
(1,274 tagged buildings)
Device that breaks solid materials into smaller pieces by grinding, crushing, or cutting
Mill building
(784 tagged buildings)
Building that houses a mill
Mill house
(25 tagged buildings)
House of miller
Mill pond
(3 tagged buildings)
Body of water used as a reservoir for a water-powered mill
Mill race
(3 tagged buildings)
Channel for water driving a water wheel
Millinery shop
(1 tagged buildings)
Shop selling hats
(1 tagged buildings)
Place for the extraction of minerals
Mine building
(2 tagged buildings)
Industrial buildings, industrial structures, , , single built works (built environment), Single Built Works (Hierarchy Name), Built Environment (Hierarchy Name), Objects Facet
Miniature park
(1 tagged buildings)
Area with miniature models of buildings and other structures
Mining museum
(2 tagged buildings)
Museum specialising in the history of mines and mining
Minor basilica
(2 tagged buildings)
Title given to some Roman Catholic churches
(1 tagged buildings)
Honorific title given to particular churches in England
(1 tagged buildings)
Factory that manufactures coins for currency
Mission hall
(1 tagged buildings)
(1 tagged buildings)
Mithraic temple in classical antiquity
Mixed-use building
(9 tagged buildings)
Usually large building or complex of buildings used for various purposes
Mixed-use development
(2 tagged buildings)
Development which blends a combination of residential, commercial, cultural, institutional, or industrial uses
Mixing studio
(1 tagged buildings)
Facility for mixing audio
(2 tagged buildings)
Dry or watery ditch surrounding a fortification or town
Moated site
(2 tagged buildings)
Site within a moated enclosure, normally medieval ind ate
Mock castle
(5 tagged buildings)
19th or 20th century building made to look like a medieval castle
Model farm
(2 tagged buildings)
Farm designed to research and demonstrate improvements in agricultural techniques, efficiency, and building layout
Modern architecture
(52 tagged buildings)
Type of architecture
Moderne architecture
(1 tagged buildings)
Architectural style
(1 tagged buildings)
Massive structure used as pier, breakwater, or causeway between places separated by water
(29 tagged buildings)
Complex of buildings comprising the domestic quarters and workplace(s) of monks or nuns
Monastery church
(1 tagged buildings)
Church that is part of a convent of friars or nuns
Monastery ruins
(40 tagged buildings)
Remains of a monastic site
Monastic grange
(4 tagged buildings)
Manor or other centre of an outlying farming estate belonging to a monastery
(3 tagged buildings)
Stone block made of one single piece; object made of one single rock piece.
(5,027 tagged buildings)
Type of structure either explicitly created to commemorate a person or important event, or used for that purpose
Monumental cross
(367 tagged buildings)
Monument in the form of a cross
Moorish architecture
(1 tagged buildings)
Architectural style historically developed in the western Islamic world
Moorish Revival architecture
(5 tagged buildings)
Style in 19th-century European architecture and decorative arts characterized by Hispano-Moresque forms and motifs such as honey comb vaulting, arabesques, and horseshoe arches
Moot hall
(4 tagged buildings)
Meeting or assembly building, traditionally to decide local issues
(1 tagged buildings)
Place for the storage of human corpses awaiting identification or burial
(5 tagged buildings)
Building typically in a graveyard for the temporary storge of bodies awating burial
(2 tagged buildings)
Image made from an assemblage of small pieces of colored glass, stone, or other materials
(18 tagged buildings)
Place of worship for followers of Islam
Motive power depot
(8 tagged buildings)
Building (having any form) where locomotives are housed, washed, serviced
(2 tagged buildings)
Steep-sided mound, setting for a defensive structure such as a castle
Motte-and-bailey castle
(24 tagged buildings)
Fortification with a wooden or stone keep situated on a raised earthwork
(1 tagged buildings)
Artificial heaped pile of earth, gravel, sand, rocks, or debris
Mounting block
(106 tagged buildings)
Moveable bridge
(2 tagged buildings)
Bridge that moves to allow passage, usually of watercraft
Moved building
(2 tagged buildings)
A building that has been moved to a different geographic location
(395 tagged buildings)
Venue, usually a building, for viewing films
Multi-level bridge
(1 tagged buildings)
Bridge with an upper and lower deck
Multi-purpose hall
(14 tagged buildings)
Multi-storey urban building
(3 tagged buildings)
Urban building with several floors
Multiple dwellings
(3 tagged buildings)
Multiple separate housing units for residential inhabitants contained within one building or several buildings within one complex
(1 tagged buildings)
Cinema complex with multiple screens
Multistorey car park
(1 tagged buildings)
Building designed for car parking and where there are a number of floors or levels on which parking takes place
Municipal office building
(7 tagged buildings)
(8 tagged buildings)
Piece of artwork painted or applied directly on a large permanent surface
Murder stone
(2 tagged buildings)
Historic memorial stones at locations of murders
(204 tagged buildings)
Institution that holds artifacts and other objects of scientific, artistic, cultural, historical, or other importance
Museum building
(300 tagged buildings)
Building housing a museum
Museum ship
(1 tagged buildings)
Ship preserved and converted into a museum open to the public
Music hall
(1 tagged buildings)
Type of British theatrical entertainment popular between 1850 and 1960
Music organisation
(1 tagged buildings)
Organisation linked with music
Music recording studio
(1 tagged buildings)
Facility for mastering audio
Music room
(3 tagged buildings)
Room devoted primarily to the playing of musical instruments or the giving of recitals, as in a house or hotel
Music venue
(66 tagged buildings)
Any location used for a concert or musical performance
Musical instrument museum
(1 tagged buildings)