This site was created partly for my own interest, and partly as a useful service to readers. It doesn't sell anything, and the adverts are just there to cover hosting costs. You are entirely free to browse all areas of this site without it costing you a penny (or a cent, or whatever the smallest unit of your local currency happens to be).
However, the site has, in many ways, been the victim of its own success. When I created it, I completely failed to foresee both how popular the site would be and how many photos would be uploaded.
Catering for this has required significant investment into the infrastructure which hosts the site. This costs quite a lot more than the original budget shared hosting system that the website originally lived on. The recent upgrade to the hosting service has more than doubled operating costs. This was necessary both to provide enough disk space for all the photos that this site now hosts, and also to upgrade the processing power of the server to handle the vastly increased traffic. I'm not complaining, because I'm pleased at how popular the site has become. But it does still need to be paid for!
Alongside this, though, the growth in popularity of ad-blockers has meant that advertising revenue from the site is on a downward trend. So income is decreasing while costs are increasing. I don't make any attempt to prevent the use of ad-blockers, because I recognise how intrusive and unacceptable much web advertising has become (although this site does avoid using the objectionable forms, so if you want to disable it on this site, you won't see anything to upset you!). But, in the long run, it may be necessary to find other sources of revenue to run alongside, or even replace, advertising.
If you would like to support the site, therefore, and ensure that it will continue to be available, please consider making a donation towards the running costs. There is absolutely no obligation on you to donate, so please feel free to ignore this request if you prefer. But if you can spare something, it would be very much appreciated!
You can also support this website at no cost to yourself by making your online purchases via one of these links:
If you happen to have any spare Bitcoin lying around, you can also donate using them. The address to send to is: 1LDXJ5R4FEQq1VP2yA3jx1aKWEaX9pmYnR