All the photos added to the site in the past 90 days.
Hesworth Farmhouse
Hesworth Farmhouse
Hesworth Cottage
Hesworth Cottage
Hesworth Cottage
Hesworth Cottage
Manningham Mills
From Heaton Road.
Manningham Mills
The redeveloped section.
Manningham Mills
Plaque detail
Manningham Mills
Old doorway.
Manningham Mills
One of the entrances.
Manningham Mills
Heaton Road view, into the derelict interior.
Manningham Mills
Heaton Road aspect.
Manningham Mills
Heaton Road aspect.
Manningham Mills
Beamsley Road aspect.
Manningham Mills
The famous chimney, from Beamsley Road side.
Manningham Mills
Lilycroft Road aspect.
Manningham Mills
Lilycroft Road aspect.
The Hall
Chelmarsh Hall (rear view)
War Memorial
War Memorial at Castlegate
Wallace Green Manse
Wallace Green Manse
Victoria House
Victoria House
United Presbyterian Church
United Presbyterian Church
The Queen's Head Hotel
The Queen's Head Hotel
The Old Guardhouse
The Old Guardhouse
The Magazine, Including Enclosing Wall and Entrance to the Magazine
The Magazine, Including Enclosing Wall and Entrance to the Magazine
The Lions House
The Lions House
The Leaping Salmon
The Leaping Salmon
The King's Arms Hotel
The King's Arms Hotel
The Hen and Chickens Hotel
The Hen and Chickens Hotel
The Governor's House
The Governor's House
The Free Trade Inn
The Free Trade Inn
The Custom House
The Custom House
Shore Gate
Shore Gate looking SW
Shore Gate
Shore Gate looking NE
Sally Port
Sally Port
Red Lion Public House
Red Lion Public House
Ravensholme Hotel
Ravensholme Hotel
Rampart House
Rampart House
Police Station and Magistrates Court
Police Station and Magistrates Court
Our Lady and St Cuthbert's Roman Catholic Church, to Rear of Number 64
Our Lady and St Cuthbert's Roman Catholic Church, to Rear of Number 64
Old Hen and Chickens
Old Hen and Chickens